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πŸ’§ MistCSS

A new, better and faster way to write visual components.
CSS-in-JS? Nope! JS-from-CSS πŸ’–

Write your component in CSS only

@scope (button.custom-button) {
:scope {
background: black;
color: white;
&[data-variant='primary'] {
background: blue;
&[data-variant='secondary'] {
background: gray;

Get a type-safe component… without writing TypeScript

import { CustomButton } from './Button.mist'
export const App = () => <CustomButton variant="primary">Save</CustomButton>

MistCSS can generate βš›οΈ React, πŸš€ Astro and πŸ”₯ Hono components. You can use πŸƒ Tailwind CSS to style them.

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